Most of the people asked, answers that money can't make you happy.
The question is, is that true? Hasn't money a little influence in how happy you are?
No matter what, humans allways want more money..
If you won a million, what will you do?
Maybe there's a lot who thinks that is a lot of money, but when they have it, the big amount isn't that much at all.
When we earn money, we also pay taxes. If we didn't, there would be a lot, who cound't make it in our economy based world.
I don't believe that we would be so generous and give so much money, as we do when we have the taxes.
As defense, a lot would say: "but I've earned it myself, I deserve them.", but do that change the fact, that it's greed?
I think it's okay to think like that, because everyone do it in some way. We can't avoid the fact.
We always wan't more.
My example is obviusly money, because it's the payment we use in our community.
We may start saying: "yeah yeah, I don't need that much, so of course I don't end with having more than I need.", but when we have the opportunities to get more than we originally said we'd need, we suddently need them anyway.
I would call it human nature, what about you?
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