What is important?
One question - a lot of answers.
It also depends on which context it's asked.
Right now I'm talking about what's important about people.
Still one question - maybe more answers..
Every person is different from another, and that's why there is so many answers to the question. Everyone has their own opinion.
It's also different if your'e talking about the one next door, a friend, a partner or yourself. I'm pretty sure that we all can agree that it's important to be able to trust your friend and the partner should love you back.
But when it comes to youself or a completly stranger you meet once and should try to jugde, it's another talk.
Specially when it comes to beauty, as I wrote in my last post..
Tall persons usally says it's the height that is important while less tall persons says it isn't that important. Clever people would say it's cleverness, physical strong people would say it's the physic

And you can continue..
The most 'beautiful' persons may be the persons who look most healthy and is the one who seems to be the one who is most able to bring their genes on to the next generation.
The science has tried time on time to discover the formel behind beautiful, and they've said they have found it; and maybe they have, but is it that, that's the important?
Maybe it's up to each person to decide on their own?
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